

PORTFOLIO:- The portfolio is a compilation of academic work and other forms of educational evidence. It can include awards, honors, certifications, recommendations, written evaluations by teachers or peers, and self-reflection. Advocates argue that portfolios provide a richer, deeper, and more accurate picture of learning. The portfolio may include digital archives, presentations, blogs, or websites with the same materials as physical portfolios. Digital portfolios may also include student-created videos, multimedia presentations, websites, photographs, or other digital artifacts of learning. Some portfolios are intended to evaluate learning progress and achievement in a specific course. In contrast, others are maintained throughout a student’s education.   STUDENT’S PORTFOLIO:-   The student portfolio can be effective to assess student learning if a rubric or checklist is used to objectively evaluate the portfolio. Students should have opportunities to review the rubric or ch...
Innovative Portfolio Ideas You decide to implement the portfolio process with your students using ideas you discover through research and by talking with other teachers. Innovative portfolio ideas focus on: Providing assessment guidelines: The student portfolio can be effective to assess student learning if a rubric or checklist is used to objectively evaluate the portfolio. Students should have opportunities to review the rubric or checklist before starting the portfolio to understand the expectations. The rubric (checklist) needs to identify components to guide the development of the portfolio and clearly define how points are awarded for the grade. Organizing the portfolio in a format: The portfolio can be organized with paper documents in a notebook or scrapbook, or digitally online or in flash drive files. Reflecting on learning experiences: Students can analyze the content standards for the class and make decisions on what to include in the portfolio to demonstrate learning of th...