Innovative Portfolio Ideas

  • Providing assessment guidelines: The student portfolio can be effective to assess student learning if a rubric or checklist is used to objectively evaluate the portfolio. Students should have opportunities to review the rubric or checklist before starting the portfolio to understand the expectations. The rubric (checklist) needs to identify components to guide the development of the portfolio and clearly define how points are awarded for the grade.
  • Organizing the portfolio in a format: The portfolio can be organized with paper documents in a notebook or scrapbook, or digitally online or in flash drive files.
  • Reflecting on learning experiences: Students can analyze the content standards for the class and make decisions on what to include in the portfolio to demonstrate learning of these concepts. Reflection allows the student to self-evaluate the learning experience. Students can express their thoughts during learning activities in journals.
  • Trying a variety of strategies: Depending on the portfolio, a variety of documentation strategies can be used. Students can organize paper documents including papers, artwork, written assessments, teacher-written feedback, peer reviews, and other learning evidence in a notebook or scrapbook. These paper documents can be scanned; students can record interviews and create videos for digital portfolios.
  • Finding resources: Teachers can assist students in discovering resources to use in developing the portfolio. Examples of resources include digital cameras, video equipment, technology resources, and personnel to assist individual students.
  • Owning the portfolio: Students are empowered to design, develop and implement an individualized portfolio. This process enhances creativity, critical thinking, decision-making, and evaluation skills.
  • Leading the process: The teacher will guide the portfolio process and needs to implement timelines for students to follow.
  • Initiating student portfolio presentations: Students can formally present the final portfolio to an external audience to further develop oral communication skills.
  • Obtaining support for student portfolio presentations: Recruit parents, business/industry, community, college/university, and peers to participate in portfolio presentations. High school students can use the portfolio for high school scholarship opportunities, college entrance discussions, and employer interviews to demonstrate skills.
